Можете помочь!Надо написать диалог по англ.яз. на тему:"Вы встретили своего друга в кафе.Вы давно не виделись. Расскажите об изменениях, которые произошли в вашей жизни".

20 Авг 2019 в 08:43
199 +1

Friend: Oh wow, I can't believe it's been so long since we last saw each other! How have you been?

You: I've been good, thanks! So much has changed in my life since we last met.

Friend: Really? Tell me more!

You: Well, I finally got that promotion at work that I've been working so hard for. It's been really challenging but I'm enjoying the new responsibilities.

Friend: That's amazing! I'm so happy for you. What else has been going on?

You: I also recently moved into a new apartment closer to the city. It's been a big change but I love the convenience of being closer to everything.

Friend: That's great to hear! Anything else exciting happening in your life?

You: Actually, I've started taking up yoga and meditation. It's been a really positive change for my mental health and I'm feeling so much more centered and balanced.

Friend: That's fantastic. I'm really happy to hear that you're doing so well. It sounds like you've been up to a lot!

You: Yeah, it's been a busy few months but I'm excited for what's to come. How about you? What's new in your life?

Friend: Oh, not much has changed for me. Just the same old routine. But hearing about all your exciting news has inspired me to maybe make some positive changes in my own life.

You: That's great to hear. I'm always here to support you if you need anything. And let's make sure we don't wait so long to catch up next time!

Friend: Agreed! It was so great to see you, let's make plans to meet up again soon. Have a great day!

You: You too! Take care!

20 Апр в 13:35
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