Переведите на английский язык: Старик со старухой были очень печальны, потому что у них не было детей.Они слепили ребёнка из снега и она ожила. Она была очень доброй и вежливой. Но летом снегурочка была несчастлива, потому что было жарко. Однажды она пошла с подругами в лес и они прыгали через костёр. Снегурочка растаяла.
The old man and the old woman were very sad because they had no children. They made a child out of snow and it came to life. She was very kind and polite. But in the summer, the snow maiden was unhappy because it was hot. One day she went with her friends to the forest and they jumped over a bonfire. The snow maiden melted.
The old man and the old woman were very sad because they had no children. They made a child out of snow and it came to life. She was very kind and polite. But in the summer, the snow maiden was unhappy because it was hot. One day she went with her friends to the forest and they jumped over a bonfire. The snow maiden melted.