Выберите правильный вариант из данных в тексте
1 My cousins come / are coming to stay this weekend.
2 I don’t think anyone minds / will mind if we leave early tomorrow.
3 Could you meet me at the bus station on Wednesday? My bus arrives / will arrive at six.
4 This time next week we’re doing / we’ll be doing our chemistry exam!
5 I’ve decided that my next art project is going to be / is on Picasso.
6 By the time we perform next Friday, we’ll practise / we’ll have practised this piece hundreds of times. 7 I’m sure you’ll be getting / you’ll get a good grade in your music exam.
8 I’m going to buy / I’ll buy Isabel a book about cats for her birthday because she’s crazy about them.
9 We can’t go away in May. We’ll be revising / We revise for our exams then.
10 This time tomorrow I give / I’ll have given my presentation and I’ll be able to relax!

29 Авг 2019 в 17:41
203 +1

1 are coming
2 will mind
3 arrives
4 we'll be doing
5 is going to be
6 we'll have practised
7 you'll get
8 I'm going to buy
9 We'll be revising
10 I'll have given

20 Апр в 12:46
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