What is your favorite hobby?Where did you grow up?What is your favorite type of cuisine?Do you prefer movies or books?What is your dream vacation destination?
Specialized questions:
What specific skills do you have in the field of data analysis?How do you handle difficult clients in your line of work?Can you explain the process of coding a website from scratch?What experience do you have in project management?How do you stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends in social media?
General questions:
What is your favorite hobby?Where did you grow up?What is your favorite type of cuisine?Do you prefer movies or books?What is your dream vacation destination?Specialized questions:
What specific skills do you have in the field of data analysis?How do you handle difficult clients in your line of work?Can you explain the process of coding a website from scratch?What experience do you have in project management?How do you stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends in social media?