Я перевела в переводчике текст на английский, наверняка много ошибок. Поможете исправить? А? Привет! У тебя новые серёжки? Да, купила сегодня утром. Тебе очень идёт! Спасибо! А где ты их купила? В ювелирном " Алмаз"! Спасибо, обязательно куплю! До свидания! До встречи! Hello! Do you have new earrings? Yes, I bought it this morning. You really go! Thank! And where did you buy them? In the jewelry "Diamond"! Thank you, I will definitely buy it! Goodbye! See you!
Hello! Do you have new earrings? Yes, I bought them this morning. They really suit you! Thank you! Where did you buy them? At the "Diamond" jewelry store! Thank you, I will definitely buy them! Goodbye! See you later!
Hello! Do you have new earrings?
Yes, I bought them this morning.
They really suit you!
Thank you!
Where did you buy them?
At the "Diamond" jewelry store!
Thank you, I will definitely buy them!
See you later!