Перевести на английский. Лучший ответ - ответ без ошибок.Чо для меня идеальное государство?Идеальное государство это прежде всего не то, как оно выглядит в глазах других стран, а что происходит внутри.Власть должна слушать волю народа, но не придумывать глупых законов, как это делается в некоторых странах. Правительство должно заботится о экологической ситуации страны, ввести бесплатное, качественное, мед обслуживание. Уровень урбанизации в государстве должен быть примерно пятьдесят процентов. Правительство должно сделать высшее образование доступным и может даже обязательным. Чтобы люди престарелые могли прожить на пенсии.В идеальной стране не существует такого понятие как "неравенство" и глава государства усиленно борется с этим. В госдуме должны быть только адекватные и трезвомыслящие люди, объединенные одной идеей. Идеей сделать страну лучше. Они не должны быть ленивыми и заниматься бесполезными делами. В идеальном государстве сам народ стремиться сделать окружающую действительность лучше, чему должна способствовать высшая власть.
What is an ideal state for me? An ideal state is not what it looks like in the eyes of other countries, but what is happening internally. The government should listen to the will of the people, but not invent silly laws as some countries do. The government should take care of the environmental situation of the country, provide free, quality healthcare. The level of urbanization in the country should be around fifty percent. The government should make higher education accessible and may even be mandatory. So that elderly people can live on their pensions. In an ideal country, there is no such thing as "inequality" and the head of the state actively fights against it. The parliament should consist only of adequate and sober-minded people united by one idea. The idea is to make the country better. They should not be lazy and engage in useless activities. In an ideal state, the people themselves strive to make the surrounding reality better, which should be facilitated by the highest authority.
What is an ideal state for me? An ideal state is not what it looks like in the eyes of other countries, but what is happening internally. The government should listen to the will of the people, but not invent silly laws as some countries do. The government should take care of the environmental situation of the country, provide free, quality healthcare. The level of urbanization in the country should be around fifty percent. The government should make higher education accessible and may even be mandatory. So that elderly people can live on their pensions. In an ideal country, there is no such thing as "inequality" and the head of the state actively fights against it. The parliament should consist only of adequate and sober-minded people united by one idea. The idea is to make the country better. They should not be lazy and engage in useless activities. In an ideal state, the people themselves strive to make the surrounding reality better, which should be facilitated by the highest authority.