1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I, Participle II и установите функцию каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью составного сказуемого.
1) Leaving the port the ship started her journey to the port of destination.
2) When buying through brokers one is to be careful about the reputation of the firm.
3) A couple of months ago the prices were multiplied by 10.
2. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Выберите и подчеркните в скобках требующуюся форму причастия (Participle I и Participle II).
1. The man (reading, read) a newspaper was sitting at the window.
2. A (breaking, broken) cup lay on the table.
3. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (б) обратите внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.
а) 1. The government is not saying whether Japanese American or German money is behind the proposal.
2. India still presents a difficult business environment.
3. Our laboratory has introduced new methods of statistical analyses.
б) 1. His philosophical views are much spoken of at all meetings.
2. Every year science conferences are held at our University.
3. They will be supported by all the organizations of the city.
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени.
а) I (to read) now.
He (to sleep) now.
She (not to drink) coffee now.
You (to work) now?
Your sister (to rest) now?
б) My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday.
What your father (to do) from 8 till 9 yesterday?
My friends (not to do) their homework at 7 o’clock yesterday.
в) I (to do) my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
What you (to do) at 8 o’clock tomorrow?
He (not to watch) TV the whole evening tomorrow.
г) Nick (to do) his homework by 7 o’clock yesterday?
I understood that he (not to read) my letter.
She (to cook) dinner by 4 o’clock yesterday?
д) You (to do) this work by next Sunday?
He (not to come) home by 6 o’ clock tomorrow.
I (to finish) this work by the end of next month.
е) He just (to finish) his work.
I (not to see) him since May.
You already (to finish) your work?

3 Сен 2019 в 21:42
434 +1

Покидая порт, корабль начал свое путешествие к порту назначения.

При покупке через брокеров нужно быть внимательным к репутации фирмы.

Пару месяцев назад цены были умножены на 10.

The man (reading) a newspaper was sitting at the window.

A (broken) cup lay on the table.

а) 1. Правительство не сообщает, является ли предложение результатом японского, американского или немецкого капитала.

Индия по-прежнему представляет собой сложную деловую среду.Наша лаборатория внедрила новые методы статистического анализа.
б) 1. Его философские взгляды много обсуждаются на всех собраниях.Каждый год университет нашего провода проводит научные конференции.Они будут поддержаны всеми организациями города.

а) I am reading now.
He is sleeping now.
She is not drinking coffee now.
Are you working now?
Is your sister resting now?
б) My little sister was sleeping at this time yesterday.
What was your father doing from 8 to 9 yesterday?
My friends were not doing their homework at 7 o’clock yesterday.
в) I will be doing my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
What will you be doing at 8 o’clock tomorrow?
He will not be watching TV the whole evening tomorrow.
г) Did Nick do his homework by 7 o’clock yesterday?
I understood that he did not read my letter.
Did she cook dinner by 4 o’clock yesterday?
д) Will you have done this work by next Sunday?
He will not come home by 6 o’clock tomorrow.
I will have finished this work by the end of next month.
е) He just finished his work.
I have not seen him since May.
Have you already finished your work?

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