Переведите на английский в пассивный и активный залог 1.билеты были куплены моим отцом 2.этот город был основан в 1870 3 новую школу построят в следующем году 4.его спрашивают на каждом уроке 5.Анапу поседеют много туристов каждое лето 6.правила изменили год назад 7.за доктором послали
Tickets were bought by my father.
My father bought the tickets.
This city was founded in 1870.
They founded this city in 1870.
The new school will be built next year.
They will build the new school next year.
He is asked in every lesson.
They ask him in every lesson.
Anapa is visited by many tourists every summer.
Many tourists visit Anapa every summer.
The rules were changed a year ago.
They changed the rules a year ago.
The doctor was sent for.
They sent for the doctor.