Перевести с: Мидлендс - это красивейшая часть в Англии. Я была в городе Stradford-upon-Avon, который известен местом рождения великого Уильяма Шекспира. Включает в себя регионы Уэст Мидлан. и Ист М. Манчестер считается вторым по величине городов Соед. Королевства. Манчестер замечательный город, мы советуем вам его посетить посмотреть достопримечательности! Город Ливерпуль тесно связн с культурой Англии, там находится старейший в Европе Чайна-Таун и легендарный клуб Cavern, в котором начали свой путь Битлз. Еще я посетила Ливерпульский Собор - самый большой английский собор в Королевстве. У меня остались хорошии впечатления!
The Midlands is the most beautiful part of England. I visited the city of Stratford-upon-Avon, which is known as the birthplace of the great William Shakespeare. It includes the regions of West Midlands and East Midlands. Manchester is considered the second largest city in the United Kingdom. Manchester is a wonderful city, we recommend you to visit it and see the sights! The city of Liverpool is closely linked to English culture, with the oldest Chinatown in Europe and the legendary Cavern club where the Beatles started their career. I also visited Liverpool Cathedral, the largest cathedral in the Kingdom. I had a great experience!
The Midlands is the most beautiful part of England. I visited the city of Stratford-upon-Avon, which is known as the birthplace of the great William Shakespeare. It includes the regions of West Midlands and East Midlands. Manchester is considered the second largest city in the United Kingdom. Manchester is a wonderful city, we recommend you to visit it and see the sights! The city of Liverpool is closely linked to English culture, with the oldest Chinatown in Europe and the legendary Cavern club where the Beatles started their career. I also visited Liverpool Cathedral, the largest cathedral in the Kingdom. I had a great experience!