Переведите на английски пж Только не с переводчика Персональная выставка художника Сергея Дудко откроется в Краснодарском художественном музее 8 ноября. Старт намечен на 16:00. Главная тема творчества автора - пейзаж высокогорья, изображения вершин. Художник старается запечатлеть красоту для людей, которые пока не бывали на высоте. Экспозицию можно посетить до 18 ноября по адресу: улица Красная, 15.
The personal exhibition of artist Sergey Dudko will open at the Krasnodar Art Museum on November 8th. The opening is scheduled for 4:00 PM. The main theme of the author's work is high mountain landscapes, images of peaks. The artist strives to capture the beauty for people who have not yet been to such heights. The exhibition can be visited until November 18th at 15 Krasnaya Street.
The personal exhibition of artist Sergey Dudko will open at the Krasnodar Art Museum on November 8th. The opening is scheduled for 4:00 PM. The main theme of the author's work is high mountain landscapes, images of peaks. The artist strives to capture the beauty for people who have not yet been to such heights. The exhibition can be visited until November 18th at 15 Krasnaya Street.