7th form _____________________________________________
1. Complete the sentences and use who + definition
A burglar is someone _____________________________________________________
An atheist is someone _____________________________________________________
An architect is someone ___________________________________________________
A teacher is someone _____________________________________________________
A student is someone _____________________________________________________
2. Translate the sentences into English using relative pronouns and adverbs
Я знаю, почему он такой сердитый
Где сыр, который был в холодильнике
Словарь - это книга, в которой ты можешь найти значения слов
Это мальчик, папа которого врач
Это день, когда мне надо сдать экзамен
3. Put the words in the correct order
Why/company/they/set up/a/did/"Math Works, LLC!"/called
What/have to do/December/Raynece Leader-Thomson/in/did/2001
in charge of/is/he/What
people/many/Why/can/envy/Chase Austin
4. Do the language puzzle. Find ten words about appearance and copy them out.5. Find the following words in the text in SB, p. 30
6. Mark the sentences T (true), F (false), DS (does not say). Correct the false sentences
Stephen William Hawking admires Jenny Smith. ____
S.W. Hawking is a famous scientist. ____
A computer system enables him to speak. ____
He has got 4 children. ____
He is the author of a bestseller. _____

6 Сен 2019 в 08:42
440 +1

A burglar is someone who commits theft
An atheist is someone who does not believe in God
An architect is someone who designs buildings
A teacher is someone who educates students
A student is someone who attends school.

I know why he is so angry
Where is the cheese that was in the fridge
A dictionary is a book in which you can find word meanings
This is the boy whose father is a doctor
This is the day when I have to take the exam.

What is Akiane fond of
What does she pay attention to
Why did they set up a company called "Math Works, LLC"
What did Raynece Leader-Thomson have to do in December 2001
How did Esteban begin designing
What is he in charge of
Why can many people envy Chase Austin
Why has he won so many awards?

Language puzzle - appearance words: eyes, hair, nose, lips, ears, face, hands, height, weight, complexion.

The following words can be found on SB, p. 30: admire, scientist, computer, system, speak, children, author, bestseller.

F (S.W. Hawking is a physicist, not a scientist

F (S.W. Hawking has 3 children

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