9). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово one. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции оно употреблено (местоимения (в качестве слова заместителя), неопределенного артикля, числительного):
1. In 1981 China began a «one-couple, one-child» policy.
2. When one person wants to be liked by another person, he usually tries to seem better than he really is.
3. Carl is one of the best workers you supervise.
4. The results of this month’s inquiry are much more interesting than the ones we got last month.
10). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово it. Укажите, в какой функции оно употреблено в предложении (подлежащего или дополнения):
1. How do you like it here?
2. It’s always very interesting for foreigners to visit the Bolshoi Theatre.
3. It has been estimated that 55 percent of automobile- caused deaths involve one or more drunk drivers.
4. It’s possible that a young person committing a crime of violence will receive a much lighter
sentence than an adult would for the same crime,
5. — I think, they will have got married before the end of the year. — As for me, I’m sure in it.
11). Перепишите следующие бессоюзные сложноподчинённые предложения, переведите их. Укажите тип придаточного:
1. The lawyer attempted to explain Harry he should not say anything controversial, agree or disagree
whatever Monika says, and generally stay quiet as much as possible.
2. His attitude towards every case he investigated was the same as if it closely concerned him.
3. Socialization is the process we acquire our values, attitudes and beliefs through.
4. Sabrina says she is going to divorce from her husband.

6 Сен 2019 в 19:44
272 +1


How do you like it here? (подлежащего)It’s always very interesting for foreigners to visit the Bolshoi Theatre. (подлежащего)It has been estimated that 55 percent of automobile- caused deaths involve one or more drunk drivers. (подлежащего)It’s possible that a young person committing a crime of violence will receive a much lighter sentence than an adult would for the same crime. (подлежащего)— I think, they will have got married before the end of the year. — As for me, I’m sure in it. (дополнения)


The lawyer attempted to explain Harry he should not say anything controversial, agree or disagree whatever Monika says, and generally stay quiet as much as possible. (обстоятельства цели)His attitude towards every case he investigated was the same as if it closely concerned him. (обстоятельства степени)Socialization is the process we acquire our values, attitudes and beliefs through. (причины)Sabrina says she is going to divorce from her husband. (дополнения)
20 Апр в 03:16
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