Put the words into correct order to make up sentences.1) gathering/forest/We/the/mushrooms/are/in.2) horses/are/The/not/now/boys/riding/the.3) breakfast/sister/now/your/having/Is?4) whitewashing/garden/the/They/in/trees/are/the.5) me/waiting/Are/for/you?6) having/not/now/is/lunch/Roger.7) to/teacher/speaking/Our/them/is/now.8) carpet/the/Vicky/Is/the/vacuuming/ living-room/in?9) is/coffee/Helen/for/making/not/me.10) friend/going/and/My/are/the/me/cinema/to.11) The/new/concert/learning/children/a/for/song/are/the.12) is/now/brother/for/His/looking/not/work.13) you/hall/the/hanging/in/the/Are/garlands?14) the/in/dusting/is/now/sister/furniture/bedroom/the/My.15) party/Everybody/the/enjoying/is.

11 Сен 2019 в 19:44
768 +2

1) We are gathering mushrooms in the forest
2) The boys are not riding the horses now
3) Is your sister having breakfast now
4) They are whitewashing the trees in the garden
5) Are you waiting for me
6) Roger is not having lunch now
7) Our teacher is speaking to them now
8) Is Vicky vacuuming the carpet in the living room
9) Helen is not making coffee for me
10) My friend and I are going to the cinema
11) The children are learning a new song for the concert
12) His brother is not looking for work now
13) Are you hanging garlands in the hall
14) My sister is now dusting the furniture in the bedroom
15) Everybody is enjoying the party.

20 Апр в 01:38
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