1. No one could find Nick
A) somewhere
B) nowhere
C) anywhere
D) everywhere
2.______Russia and___________ United States are separated by_________Pacific Ocean.
A) __...__...___...
B) the ...the... the ...
C) _... the..._...
D) __ ... the ... the ...
3. How much money have you got? - ____________.
A) none
B) nothing
C) no one
4. We have very _____money left.
A) few
B) little
C) a few
D) a little
5. This coffee tasted a little _____to me.
A) hotly
B) hot
C) so hot
D) too much hot
6. As soon as I______reading the article, I will give it to you.
A) will finish
B) shall finish
C) would finish
D) finish
7. I don't want _______.
A) this dirty ones
B) these dirty ones
C) these dirty one
D) this one dirty
8. She is good_______ languages, but she is bad ____math.
A) in ... in
B) at ... at
C) in ... at
D) at ... in
9.____Jim, who is going to see her off?
A) apart
B) beside
C) besides
D) expect
10. You____better lock all the windows and the front door before we leave.
A) should
C) would
D) ought
11. _____ late.
A) Not be
B) Don't be
C) Be not
D) Don't
12. Jane ____three letters so far.
A) write
B) have written
C) wrote
D) has written
13. Will____a lot of work next year?
A) there
B) be there
C) there be
D) there is
14. George_____ any lunch so he was very hungry in the afternoon.
A) has
B) had
C) doesn't have
D) didn't have
15. Ann____eat less, she's too fat.
A) shouldn't
B) should
C) mustn't to
D) must to
16. The teacher asked us ____to each other.
A) not talk
B) to not talk
C) not to talk
D) to not to talk
17. I'd like ____more ice-cream.
A) some
C) any
D) every
18. Jack cut ______ when he was chopping carrots
A) him
B) himself
D) oneself
19. They've already bought two__________.
A) trousers
B) pairs of trouser
C) pair of trousers
D) pairs of trousers
20.__________ informed immediately.
A) A police is
B) Polices are
C) The police is
D) The police are
21. They decided to go on a hike_________ the rain.
A) despite of
B) in spite
C) despite in
D) in spite of
22.1 wonder how much ________on sale
A) cost these shoes
B) these shoes cost
C) do these shoes cost
D) are these shoes cost
23.______Amazon in________ Brazil is ________river in ______South America.
A)_... the..._..._...
B)The ...„..- the ..._
C) The...__... the. ..the
D) _...__... the ... the
24.____children____happy with their presents.
A) Both ... was
B) Both ... were
C) Both of ... was
D) Both of... were
25. Do you want to spread__________ honey on your slice of bread?
A) few
B) little
C) a few
D) a little
26. Kate hasn't seen her elder brother ________three years
A) since
B) from
D) before
27. If the bus arrives_______, we'll miss the train.
A) lateness
B) more late
C) lately
D) late
28.A) I will understand never my parents.
B) I won't never understand my parents.
C) I will never understand my parents.
D) I won't understand my parents never.
29. You were rude______ him for no reason.
A) at
B) with
30.1 didn't enjoy the party, and Mary didn't_______.
A) either
B) as well
C) neither
D) also

15 Сен 2019 в 05:44
404 +1
B) nowhereD) __ ... the ... the ...A) noneB) littleD) too much hotD) finishB) these dirty onesB) at ... atC) besidesA) shouldB) Don't beD) has writtenC) there beD) didn't haveA) shouldn'tC) not to talkA) someB) himselfC) pair of trousersC) The police isD) in spite ofB) these shoes costD) _...__... the ... theB) Both ... wereD) a littleC) forD) lateC) I will never understand my parents.C) toC) neither
20 Апр в 01:04
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