Образуйте словосочетания с притяжательным падежом существительных: 1) goods of the seller; 2) goods of sellers; 3) behaviour of the buyer; 4) behaviour of buyers; 5) behaviour of the woman; 6) behaviour of the women; 7) work of an economist; 8) work of economists; 9) services of the seller; 10) services of sellers; 11) people of the town; 12) people of the towns.
13) car of the neighbor; 14) car of the neighbors; 15) house of the family; 16) house of the families; 17) book of the student; 18) books of the students; 19) idea of the scientist; 20) ideas of the scientists.
13) car of the neighbor; 14) car of the neighbors; 15) house of the family; 16) house of the families; 17) book of the student; 18) books of the students; 19) idea of the scientist; 20) ideas of the scientists.