Перевидите на англ.язык Книга о Гарри Потерре Создатель романа активно использовала символы в своей книге. Например, большую роль играют цвета – красные оттенки символизируют в романе храбрость, доброту и великодушие. Поэтому ученики Гриффиндора одеты в алые мантии, у Гарри чернила красного цвета, а поезд Хогвартс-экспресс покрашен в малиновый. Кроме того, у всей семьи Уизли рыжие волосы и крыша дома красного цвета. Зеленый же цвет, напротив, ассоциируется с негативом, предательством, злом. Цифры в романе тоже имеют свое значение. Главными цифрами в «Гарри Поттере» являются 2,3,4 и 7. Трио главных героев имеет особенную власть, означает единство. А ученики в Хогвартсе учатся по семь лет, в команду по квиддичу набирают по семь человек.
The book about Harry Potter The author of the novel actively used symbols in her book. For example, colors play a big role - red shades symbolize bravery, kindness, and generosity in the novel. That is why Gryffindor students are dressed in scarlet robes, Harry's ink is red, and the Hogwarts Express train is painted maroon. In addition, the entire Weasley family has red hair and the roof of their house is red. On the other hand, green color is associated with negativity, betrayal, and evil. Numbers in the novel also have their own significance. The main numbers in "Harry Potter" are 2, 3, 4, and 7. The trio of main characters has special power, signifying unity. And students at Hogwarts study for seven years, with seven members on a Quidditch team.
The book about Harry Potter The author of the novel actively used symbols in her book. For example, colors play a big role - red shades symbolize bravery, kindness, and generosity in the novel. That is why Gryffindor students are dressed in scarlet robes, Harry's ink is red, and the Hogwarts Express train is painted maroon. In addition, the entire Weasley family has red hair and the roof of their house is red. On the other hand, green color is associated with negativity, betrayal, and evil. Numbers in the novel also have their own significance. The main numbers in "Harry Potter" are 2, 3, 4, and 7. The trio of main characters has special power, signifying unity. And students at Hogwarts study for seven years, with seven members on a Quidditch team.