Перевести на английский История портала связана с именем Святого Винсента. Приехав в город из Валенсии, во время одной из проповедей монах неожиданно увидел ангела с мечом, который дал знать, что защищает Барселону по приказу самого Христа. В помощи свыше жители смогли убедиться, когда после их молитв своему небесному покровителю чудесным образом прекратилась свирепая эпидемия чумы. Благодарные горожане установили в районе ворот часовню со скульптурным изображением ангела.
The history of the portal is connected with the name of Saint Vincent. After arriving in the city from Valencia, during one of his sermons, a monk unexpectedly saw an angel with a sword, who indicated that he was protecting Barcelona by the order of Christ himself. The residents were able to witness this divine intervention when, after their prayers to their heavenly patron, a fierce epidemic of the plague miraculously ceased. Grateful citizens erected a chapel near the gate with a sculptural image of the angel.
The history of the portal is connected with the name of Saint Vincent. After arriving in the city from Valencia, during one of his sermons, a monk unexpectedly saw an angel with a sword, who indicated that he was protecting Barcelona by the order of Christ himself. The residents were able to witness this divine intervention when, after their prayers to their heavenly patron, a fierce epidemic of the plague miraculously ceased. Grateful citizens erected a chapel near the gate with a sculptural image of the angel.