Person A: What is the weather currently like in Tokyo, Japan according to the weather map?
Person B: According to the weather map, it looks like it is currently cloudy with a high of 28 degrees Celsius in Tokyo.
Person A: What is the average temperature in Tokyo during the summer months based on the climate chart?
Person B: According to the climate chart, the average temperature in Tokyo during the summer months is around 30 degrees Celsius.
Person A: What is the weather like in Sydney, Australia according to the weather map?
Person B: It looks like it is sunny with a high of 24 degrees Celsius in Sydney.
Person A: What is the average temperature in Sydney during the winter months based on the climate chart?
Person B: According to the climate chart, the average temperature in Sydney during the winter months is around 15 degrees Celsius.
Person A: What is the weather currently like in Tokyo, Japan according to the weather map?
Person B: According to the weather map, it looks like it is currently cloudy with a high of 28 degrees Celsius in Tokyo.
Person A: What is the average temperature in Tokyo during the summer months based on the climate chart?
Person B: According to the climate chart, the average temperature in Tokyo during the summer months is around 30 degrees Celsius.
Person A: What is the weather like in Sydney, Australia according to the weather map?
Person B: It looks like it is sunny with a high of 24 degrees Celsius in Sydney.
Person A: What is the average temperature in Sydney during the winter months based on the climate chart?
Person B: According to the climate chart, the average temperature in Sydney during the winter months is around 15 degrees Celsius.