Переведите на английский:1) К тому времени, как мои родители поехали в кино, я помыл посуду.2) После того как я получил результаты теста по математике, я позвонил домой.3) Моя сестра никогда раньше не ела суши, и она плохо себя чувствовала после ужина в Японском ресторане.4) Я не знала это правило, так как мы не изучали его раньше.5) Когда моя тётя приехала домой, мой брат уже убрал квартиру.
1) By the time my parents went to the cinema, I had washed the dishes. 2) After I got the results of the math test, I called home. 3) My sister had never eaten sushi before, and she felt sick after dinner at the Japanese restaurant. 4) I didn't know that rule because we hadn't studied it before. 5) When my aunt came home, my brother had already cleaned the apartment.
1) By the time my parents went to the cinema, I had washed the dishes.
2) After I got the results of the math test, I called home.
3) My sister had never eaten sushi before, and she felt sick after dinner at the Japanese restaurant.
4) I didn't know that rule because we hadn't studied it before.
5) When my aunt came home, my brother had already cleaned the apartment.