1. Smoking … your health. (dangers, endangers
2. Greenpeace works to … awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.(promote, improve
3. Apes are on the … of extinction (edge, verge
4. Losing twenty million acres of tropical rain forests every year is a …. (disadvantage, disaster
5. Tigers are … and killed for their body parts which are used in medicine. (hunted, haunted
6. Oceans are currently a big dumping ground for tons of toxic… and sewage. (waste, packing
7. There are no more than two hundred and fifty … of sharks in the world.(species, kinds
8. Storms and heavy rains often cause great … to property. (damage, loss
9. Some factories and plants … poisonous substances into the atmosphere.(increase, release
10. People are not doing their best to … an ecological catastrophe. (avoid, prevent)

2 Окт 2019 в 19:41
1 803 +1
Smoking endangers your health.Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.Apes are on the verge of extinction.Losing twenty million acres of tropical rain forests every year is a disaster.Tigers are hunted and killed for their body parts which are used in medicine.Oceans are currently a big dumping ground for tons of toxic waste and sewage.There are no more than two hundred and fifty species of sharks in the world.Storms and heavy rains often cause great damage to property.Some factories and plants release poisonous substances into the atmosphere.People are not doing their best to prevent an ecological catastrophe.
19 Апр в 18:43
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