Переведите на английскийМы собираемся одеть новые платья на вечеринку завтраМой друг и я собираемся кататься на велосипеде в выходныеДжон собирается отдохнуть Моя мама собирается испешь шоколадный пирогМои родители и я собираемся отмечать день победы
We are going to wear new dresses for the party tomorrow. My friend and I are planning to ride bikes on the weekend. John is planning to relax. My mom is planning to bake a chocolate cake. My parents and I are planning to celebrate Victory Day.
We are going to wear new dresses for the party tomorrow.
My friend and I are planning to ride bikes on the weekend.
John is planning to relax.
My mom is planning to bake a chocolate cake.
My parents and I are planning to celebrate Victory Day.