Переведите на русский язык следующие предложение: “Rudolf saw a man throw away the card”. Какая грамматическая конструкция применена в этом предложении? Используйте эту конструкцию, скомпоновав из двух предложений одно: 1) He was a Negro. The Negro was handing out a dentist’s card. 2) Rudolf saw three or four cards. They were lying on the pavement. 3) Rudolf knocked on the door. The girl heard it. 4) Rudolf was a kind-hearted man. The girl felt it.
Грамматическая конструкция: Past Simple (Act) + Active Infinitive without 'to'.
1) He was a Negro who was handing out a dentist’s card. 2) Rudolf saw three or four cards lying on the pavement. 3) Rudolf knocked on the door, and the girl heard it. 4) Rudolf was a kind-hearted man, and the girl felt it.
Рудольф увидел, как мужчина выбросил карту.
Грамматическая конструкция: Past Simple (Act) + Active Infinitive without 'to'.
1) He was a Negro who was handing out a dentist’s card.
2) Rudolf saw three or four cards lying on the pavement.
3) Rudolf knocked on the door, and the girl heard it.
4) Rudolf was a kind-hearted man, and the girl felt it.