I. Insert the appropriate articles where it is necessary. 1. They lived in … new house in … centre of … town. 2. Would you like … orange? 3. I went into … shop and asked to … manager. 4. What's on … television this night? Turn on … TV set, please. 5. Could you close … window, please? 6. He was sitting in … comfortable armchair and speaking to … man. … man was holding …newspaper in his hands. 7. I hope … police will catch that man. 8. He went out to … lunch at 12 o'clock. 9. It was … cold and miserable night. He didn't want to go there on … night like that. 10. – Is it … expensive restaurant? – Well, it is … most expensive restaurant 11. It's … second line at … top of … page. 12. Could you bring me … cake and … cup of tea? 13. … passengers for …flight 230 for … London please go to … gate five. 14. Two hours later … plane landed at Heathrow Airport … Mr. Blake came back to … England. 15. After … lunch we went for … walk by … sea. 16. I have no opinion about … modern art. 17. After … accident … driver of … car was not hurt. 18. There is … lot of … traffic in … morning when everybody is going to … work. 19 I think … apples are good for you. 20. … women are often better teachers then … men. 21. … England can't make … good coffee. 22. … United States of America consist of 50 states. 23. Do you know … man who lives next door? 24. We get … milk from … cows. 25. Tom's father is … doctor and his mother is … English teacher. 26. … knives are made of steel. 27. Do you collect … stamps? 28. My parents have got … cat … cat is big and nice but is never catches … mice. 29. This is … nice house. Has it got … garden? 30. I'd like to go to … cinema and sea … good film. 31. What is … highest mountain in … world? 32. Last night we went out for … meal in … restaurant. 33. Tom lives in … small village in … country. 34. We took taxi, so we got … station in time. 35. Ann is looking for … job. She hasn't been working for … long time.

9 Окт 2019 в 19:42
350 +1
They lived in a new house in the centre of the town.Would you like an orange?I went into the shop and asked to see the manager.What's on the television this night? Turn on the TV set, please.Could you close the window, please?He was sitting in a comfortable armchair and speaking to a man. The man was holding a newspaper in his hands.I hope the police will catch that man.He went out to lunch at 12 o'clock.It was a cold and miserable night. He didn't want to go there on a night like that.– Is it an expensive restaurant? – Well, it is the most expensive restaurant.It's the second line at the top of the page.Could you bring me a cake and a cup of tea?All passengers for the flight 230 for London please go to gate five.Two hours later the plane landed at Heathrow Airport and Mr. Blake came back to England.After lunch we went for a walk by the sea.I have no opinion about modern art.After the accident, the driver of the car was not hurt.There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going to work.I think apples are good for you.Women are often better teachers than men.England can't make good coffee.The United States of America consist of 50 states.Do you know the man who lives next door?We get milk from cows.Tom's father is a doctor and his mother is an English teacher.Knives are made of steel.Do you collect stamps?My parents have a cat. The cat is big and nice but never catches mice.This is a nice house. Has it got a garden?I'd like to go to the cinema and see a good film.What is the highest mountain in the world?Last night we went out for a meal in a restaurant.Tom lives in a small village in the country.We took a taxi, so we got to the station in time.Ann is looking for a job. She hasn't been working for a long time.
19 Апр в 12:41
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