Как перевести"в 19 веке в этом доме жил купец Мельников.Он торговал зерном,а жена пекла пряники и продовала.Сегодня это городская детская библиотеке и редакция телевиденья"Чистополь" " ?буду очень благодарен!
In the 19th century, a merchant Melnikov lived in this house. He traded grain, while his wife baked gingerbread and sold them. Today, it is a city children's library and the editorial office of the "Chistopol" television.
In the 19th century, a merchant Melnikov lived in this house. He traded grain, while his wife baked gingerbread and sold them. Today, it is a city children's library and the editorial office of the "Chistopol" television.