Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо. 1. I'm hurrying ... the Institute. My friend's going to give a talk ... English History and I want to listen ... him. 2. "What's the matter ... you?" "1 feel I've got a temperature and I can't even talk ... you. I must see my doctor." 3. "How do I get ... you brother?"1 think you can get there ... bus. Hurry ...! I 'm afraid you are late already.'" 4. Why do you always forget to put all these books back ... their places after you have used them? 5.1 wanted to talk ... him ... the lecture when I saw him ... the trolley-bus stop, but I forgot. 6. He always makes notes, talk ... him ... it. 7. What is he afraid ...?

29 Окт 2019 в 19:42
1 255 +1
I'm hurrying to the Institute. My friend's going to give a talk on English History and I want to listen to him."What's the matter with you?" "I feel I've got a temperature and I can't even talk to you. I must see my doctor.""How do I get to your brother?" I think you can get there by bus. Hurry up! I'm afraid you are late already."Why do you always forget to put all these books back in their places after you have used them?I wanted to talk to him about the lecture when I saw him at the trolley-bus stop, but I forgot.He always makes notes, talk to him about it.What is he afraid of?
19 Апр в 03:26
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