Английский язык. Перевести предложения с конструкцией there + to be: 1) Вчера в университете состоялась научная конференция. 2) Завтра в университете состоится интересная лекция. 3) Во дворе нашего университета стоят памятники выдающимся людям нашей области. 4) В институте на 3-х факультетах обучались 400 студентов. 5) В 2010 году будет 50-летие нашего университета.
1) There was a scientific conference at the university yesterday. 2) There will be an interesting lecture at the university tomorrow. 3) There are monuments to outstanding people of our region in the courtyard of our university. 4) There were 400 students studying at 3 faculties in the institute. 5) There will be the 50th anniversary of our university in 2010.
1) There was a scientific conference at the university yesterday.
2) There will be an interesting lecture at the university tomorrow.
3) There are monuments to outstanding people of our region in the courtyard of our university.
4) There were 400 students studying at 3 faculties in the institute.
5) There will be the 50th anniversary of our university in 2010.