18 Ноя 2019 в 19:49
425 +1

I apologize in advance for the post, which many will probably consider "hateful" or maybe even "fascist." But this is not my attitude, but a purely pragmatic view of reality.

As you know, there is such a law of the transition of quantity into quality:

en.wikipedia.org/... changes in quality

And the post-industrial economy is just an example of its manifestation. If in the industrial era the number of workers was important, then in the post-industrial quantity it turned into quality. This means that one qualified specialist brings an income of more than 100 hard workers. Moreover: hard workers are cheaper to replace with robots!

And this is directly related to the birth and training of "new people." Firstly, having many children is no longer beneficial for the family: one well-educated and educated child will become a specialist and will bring more benefits to the family than a few grimy fools, for the education of which parents have neither time nor money; and who would have continued the “dynasty of workers or collective farmers” earlier, and in the modern world would be left without paid work.

Secondly, the task of “giving everyone a secondary education” is meaningless. A crowd of “Pinocchio” with average knowledge does not need a modern economy (robots are cheaper). It is also pointless to force children to memorize and pass objects (on which our entire education is built). The modern specialist does not need to keep in mind all the directories - there are computers for this. But it is critically important to be able to think and process information, which memorization will never learn.

Another cruel truth is that a modern child cannot “enjoy childhood” until he is 21 years old. To be competitive in adulthood, you need to start developing your talents and specializing as early as possible. If, by the end of grade 9, a teenager does not yet know who he wants to be and what to do, then he is already late. And most likely it will become a useless "fool", and not a specialist in demand in the market. If for a while we put aside humanism and look at children from a pragmatic point of view as a future “human capital”, it turns out that the new education system must fulfill completely different functions:

1) Identification of talents and inclinations of the child.

2) Deciding on specialization, taking into account the needs of the market (no one needs hundreds of poets, even if they are talented).

3) Teaching the child self-development in a chosen direction. It is “to teach to learn”, and not “to put knowledge in the head” (this is impossible).

4) Sorting children and filtering "cattle". People with similar interests successfully develop together and help each other (IT is an example of this). Hooligans, gibberish, lazy people and other "unsuccessful" children here does not belong.This is not a question of humanism, concern or love for children - it is a question of efficiency. Because in adulthood and market competition there is no place for love and humanity - "business is business."

An educational institution that will “filter out” 100 children of one genius and give it an impetus for development will do more for society than it taught 99 “excellent students” with the same knowledge.

You can repeat as much as you like that “all people are equal”, “any life is the greatest value”, etc. For our soul - this is so. And without a soul, we will no longer be human beings.

But from the point of view of a cold mind: one person can “cost” (and bring benefits) hundreds of times more than another! This is “human capital”. Not to admit it and try to level them is a way to stagnation, on this the scoop burned out.

And now “fascism” begins: people are NOT equal! Some people are much more important, more necessary and more useful than others. And the more valuable a person is, the more he will receive benefits. But as long as his talents are claimed. People who are not in demand by the economy are superfluous!

And this problem of “extra people” is already very acute. For one specialist who earns thousands, there are hundreds of “dependents”: unemployed, pensioners, refugees ... And with the automation of production and the arrival of the “knowledge economy” in developing countries, the problem of “extra people” will become more acute.

Gradually, people are divided into "elite" and "cattle." And as the “cattle" grows, the "elite" more and more often raises the question "where to put extra people"? Because cattle is no longer needed for work, and feeding him at his own expense out of philanthropy is annoying more and more.

And solutions are found. Firstly, economic: in many countries, no one will save a person without a job - he will simply die on the street from cold and hunger. Secondly, territorial: there are already countries for the "elite" where "brains" are moving from all over the world and countries - reservations for the "cattle", where people expect nothing but poverty and extinction. Thirdly, medical: for the "elite", medicine is trying to prolong life and is already talking about the technical possibility of immortality; and in the “rednecks of rednecks,” doctors are only researching new drugs or even new diseases and viruses - rednecks are not a pity. Fourthly, the military: for example, one large country very effectively gets rid of cattle - throwing it into a meat grinder on the territory of other countries. Fifth, mental: more and more people in the world are on the path of self-destruction: depression, alcohol, drugs, suicide.

But even this is not enough! Because cattle are the same people, even if they are "superfluous". They will not stupidly sit and wait for death - their suffering gives rise to aggression.Thousands of armies of terrorists are precisely that “aggressive cattle” that the modern economy has doomed to extinction. They have nothing to lose and they naturally hate the successful "elite." And the modern "war on terror" is nothing more than the mass extermination of "extra people."

The main goal of education is to convey this harsh truth to every child. You can grow either "elite" or "cattle" - and it all depends on you. Everyone has a chance, but from an early age, you need to constantly work on yourself, develop, improve, never give up. The way up is always hard, and any easy way down.

Look at your classmates: at least half of them will become a "past" and die in poverty. This is the law of competition. The only question is: will you and your friends become winners or losers. That's what children need to be taught first!

19 Ноя 2019 в 13:25
19 Ноя 2019 в 13:34

Это ссылка на энциклопедию. Почитайте внимательно! Это о законе перехода количества в качество, внутритекстовое цитирование

19 Ноя 2019 в 17:48
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