Domestic travel is the most popular type of travel in Russia. This is because Russia is a large country with diverse landscapes and attractions, making it an ideal destination for exploring different regions and cities within the country. Many Russians prefer to travel domestically to visit popular tourist destinations such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring, the Black Sea coast, and the Siberian wilderness. Additionally, internal tourism has become more popular in recent years as Russians seek to explore their own country and support the local tourism industry.
Domestic travel is the most popular type of travel in Russia. This is because Russia is a large country with diverse landscapes and attractions, making it an ideal destination for exploring different regions and cities within the country. Many Russians prefer to travel domestically to visit popular tourist destinations such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring, the Black Sea coast, and the Siberian wilderness. Additionally, internal tourism has become more popular in recent years as Russians seek to explore their own country and support the local tourism industry.