Письмо по английски о твоём любимом празднике.
Заранее спасибо!
С уважением
К вам

6 Дек 2019 в 19:52
143 +1

Dear [Name],

I wanted to write to you about my favorite holiday, which is [holiday name]. I love [holiday name] because it allows me to spend quality time with my friends and family, celebrate our traditions, and create beautiful memories together.

One of the things I enjoy most about [holiday name] is [favorite activity or tradition]. Whether it's decorating the house, cooking a special meal, or exchanging gifts, I always feel so much joy and happiness during this time.

The best part of [holiday name] for me is being surrounded by loved ones and feeling a sense of togetherness and warmth. It's a time to reflect on the year past, express gratitude, and look forward to the future with hope and excitement.

I hope that you also have a favorite holiday that brings you joy and happiness. I would love to hear about it and learn more about what makes that holiday special for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I appreciate your friendship and wish you all the best during this holiday season.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

18 Апр в 23:58
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