Письмо протеста против насилия на английском Напишите письмо протеста против телевизионного насилия телевизионным руководителям России, от имени всех подростков. В виде сочинения

19 Дек 2019 в 19:49
246 +1

To the television executives of Russia,

We, the teenagers of Russia, are writing to express our strong protest against the increasing amount of violence on television. As young people growing up in today's society, we are deeply concerned about the negative influence that violent television programs can have on our minds and behavior.

Studies have shown that exposure to violent media can lead to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, and decreased empathy for others. We believe that as television executives, you have a responsibility to protect the well-being of your viewers, especially the young and impressionable ones.

We urge you to consider the impact of the content you broadcast and to make more responsible choices when it comes to the portrayal of violence on television. We believe that there are plenty of ways to entertain and captivate audiences without resorting to graphic and explicit violence.

We are calling on you to take immediate action to reduce the level of violence on television and to promote more positive and uplifting programming that can inspire and educate us. Our future depends on the messages we receive from the media, and we believe that it is time to make a change for the better.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue. We hope that you will take our concerns seriously and work towards creating a more peaceful and positive television environment for all viewers.

The teenagers of Russia

18 Апр 2024 в 23:18
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