Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1 The paintings of this artist ... (to exhibit) in the local gallery.2) What kind of plays ... (to perform) in this theatre? - Mostlycomedies ... (to perform). 3) What ... these plates ... (to make)of? --- They ... (to make) of china. 4) Where ... fresh vegetables ...(to sell)? -- They ... (to sell) at the market. 5) ... this magazine ...(to publish) every week? - No, it .... It ... (to publish) monthly.6) The houses in this village ... (not to make) of wood. They ... (tomake) of bricks. 7) What time ... the mail ... (to deliver)? - It ...(to deliver) at 11 o'clock. 8) How often ... the grass on the tenniscourt... (to cut)? --- It ... (to cut) once a week. 9) Which excursion... (usually to choose) by tourists? The excursion to WestminsterAbbey ... (to choose) by most of the groups. 10) ... Opel cars ... (toproduce) in France? - No, they ... (to produce) in Germany.

3 Янв 2020 в 19:50
71 +1
are exhibitedare performed, are performedare, are made, are madeare, are soldIs, not, is published, is publishedare not made, are madeis, delivered, is deliveredis, cut, is cutis usually chosen, is usually chosenAre, produced, are produced
18 Апр в 21:42
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