Перепишите данные предложения в прошедшем времени и составьте, утвердительные вопросительные и отрицательные предложения в Past Simple: ПРИМЕР 1 (для правильного глагола). I play ball. (Я играю в мяч.) — I played ball. (Я играл в мяч.) I did not play ball. Did you play ball? ПРИМЕР 2 (для неправильного глагола). He goes to the park. (Он ходит в парк.) — He went to the park. (Он ходил в парк.) He did not go to the park. Did he go to the park? 1. Mother comes home from work at 6 o'clock. 2. The teacher sometimes speak English with kids at the lesson. 3. I go to the country every summer. 4. The children usually play football after school. 5. Every day I do morning exercises.
Mother came home from work at 6 o'clock. Negative: Mother did not come home from work at 6 o'clock. Question: Did mother come home from work at 6 o'clock?
The teacher sometimes spoke English with kids at the lesson. Negative: The teacher did not speak English with kids at the lesson. Question: Did the teacher speak English with kids at the lesson?
I went to the country every summer. Negative: I did not go to the country every summer. Question: Did I go to the country every summer?
The children usually played football after school. Negative: The children did not play football after school. Question: Did the children play football after school?
Every day I did morning exercises. Negative: Every day I did not do morning exercises. Question: Did I do morning exercises every day?
Mother came home from work at 6 o'clock.
Negative: Mother did not come home from work at 6 o'clock.
Question: Did mother come home from work at 6 o'clock?
The teacher sometimes spoke English with kids at the lesson.
Negative: The teacher did not speak English with kids at the lesson.
Question: Did the teacher speak English with kids at the lesson?
I went to the country every summer.
Negative: I did not go to the country every summer.
Question: Did I go to the country every summer?
The children usually played football after school.
Negative: The children did not play football after school.
Question: Did the children play football after school?
Every day I did morning exercises.
Negative: Every day I did not do morning exercises.
Question: Did I do morning exercises every day?