1.Dolphins aren’t dangerous. They are very friendly. They love playing with people. 2.Dolphins can’t breathe under water, but they can stay under water for about 15 minutes. 3.Dolphins live in families 4.Dolphins have names. Their names are special sounds. They use the sounds to call their friends and family. 5.Dolphins can’t live in polluted water, but a lot of the sea is polluted. We want to make the sea a clean and safe place for dolphins to pollute. a danger. beauty . to clean. a friend. to save.
Dolphins are incredibly intelligent animals and are known to have complex communication skills.Dolphins are known for their playful behavior, often seen riding waves and jumping out of the water.Dolphins have a strong sense of community and will often work together to catch food or protect each other from predators.Dolphins are highly adaptable animals and can be found in oceans, seas, and rivers all around the world.Dolphins play a crucial role in marine ecosystems as top predators, helping to regulate the populations of other marine species.