File "archive" usually compresses better compared to other types of files since it often contains multiple files and can be further compressed using file archiving methods like ZIP or RAR. The file "archive.bmp" may not compress as well because it is already in a compressed image format. "letter.doc" and "" files may compress reasonably well depending on the content, while "letter" and "table" files may not compress as much unless they contain a large amount of text data.
File "archive" usually compresses better compared to other types of files since it often contains multiple files and can be further compressed using file archiving methods like ZIP or RAR. The file "archive.bmp" may not compress as well because it is already in a compressed image format. "letter.doc" and "" files may compress reasonably well depending on the content, while "letter" and "table" files may not compress as much unless they contain a large amount of text data.