To solve for p, we first convert both fractions to decimals:
8 26/45 = 8 + 26/45 = 8 + 0.5778 = 8.577812 4/5 = 12 + 4/5 = 12 + 0.8 = 12.8
Now our equation becomes:
8.5778 + p = 12.8
Subtract 8.5778 from both sides:
p = 12.8 - 8.5778p = 4.2222
Therefore, p = 4.2222.
To solve for p, we first convert both fractions to decimals:
8 26/45 = 8 + 26/45 = 8 + 0.5778 = 8.5778
12 4/5 = 12 + 4/5 = 12 + 0.8 = 12.8
Now our equation becomes:
8.5778 + p = 12.8
Subtract 8.5778 from both sides:
p = 12.8 - 8.5778
p = 4.2222
Therefore, p = 4.2222.