To add fractions with different denominators, we first need to find a common denominator for all the fractions.
For the first equation: 3.7/9 + 5.1/6
We can find a common denominator by multiplying 9 and 6, which gives us 54. So, now we can rewrite the fractions with a common denominator: (3.7 6)/(9 6) + (5.1 9)/(6 9) = 22.2/54 + 45.9/54 = (22.2 + 45.9)/54 = 68.1/54
For the second equation: 9.3/16 + 4.7/12 + 3.5/24
We can find a common denominator by multiplying 16, 12, and 24, which gives us 384. So, now we can rewrite the fractions with a common denominator: (9.3 24)/(16 24) + (4.7 32)/(12 32) + (3.5 16)/(24 16) = 223.2/384 + 150.4/384 + 56.0/384 = (223.2 + 150.4 + 56.0)/384 = 429.6/384
Therefore, the final result for both equations is: 68.1/54 + 429.6/384
To add fractions with different denominators, we first need to find a common denominator for all the fractions.
For the first equation:
3.7/9 + 5.1/6
We can find a common denominator by multiplying 9 and 6, which gives us 54.
So, now we can rewrite the fractions with a common denominator:
(3.7 6)/(9 6) + (5.1 9)/(6 9)
= 22.2/54 + 45.9/54
= (22.2 + 45.9)/54
= 68.1/54
For the second equation:
9.3/16 + 4.7/12 + 3.5/24
We can find a common denominator by multiplying 16, 12, and 24, which gives us 384.
So, now we can rewrite the fractions with a common denominator:
(9.3 24)/(16 24) + (4.7 32)/(12 32) + (3.5 16)/(24 16)
= 223.2/384 + 150.4/384 + 56.0/384
= (223.2 + 150.4 + 56.0)/384
= 429.6/384
Therefore, the final result for both equations is:
68.1/54 + 429.6/384