1) To convert 4 into a fraction: 4 = 4/1
Therefore, 4 : 1/11 can be written as 4/1 : 1/11
Multiplying both the numerator and the denominator of 4 with 11, we get:
4/1 11/11 : 1/11 1/144/11 : 1/11
Therefore, 4 : 1/11 is equivalent to 44/11 : 1/11
2) To convert 2 6/11 into a fraction:
2 6/11 = 2 + 6/11 = 2 * 11/11 + 6/11 = 22/11 + 6/11 = 28/11
Therefore, 2 6/11 can be written as 28/11
Therefore, 2 6/11 : 3/4 is equivalent to 28/11 : 3/4
1) To convert 4 into a fraction: 4 = 4/1
Therefore, 4 : 1/11 can be written as 4/1 : 1/11
Multiplying both the numerator and the denominator of 4 with 11, we get:
4/1 11/11 : 1/11 1/1
44/11 : 1/11
Therefore, 4 : 1/11 is equivalent to 44/11 : 1/11
2) To convert 2 6/11 into a fraction:
2 6/11 = 2 + 6/11 = 2 * 11/11 + 6/11 = 22/11 + 6/11 = 28/11
Therefore, 2 6/11 can be written as 28/11
Therefore, 2 6/11 : 3/4 is equivalent to 28/11 : 3/4