To multiply these numbers, we first need to convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
-15 = -15/14 = 4/1
Next, let's multiply the numbers:
(-15/1) (-4/27) (1 1/14) (-3 15/22)= (-15/1) (-4/27) (15/14) (-87/22)= (60/27) (15/14) (-87/22)= (4/3) (15/14) (-87/22)= (60/42) (-87/22)= (10/7) (-87/22)= -870/154= -435/77
Therefore, the result of the multiplication is -435/77.
To multiply these numbers, we first need to convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
-15 = -15/1
4 = 4/1
Next, let's multiply the numbers:
(-15/1) (-4/27) (1 1/14) (-3 15/22)
= (-15/1) (-4/27) (15/14) (-87/22)
= (60/27) (15/14) (-87/22)
= (4/3) (15/14) (-87/22)
= (60/42) (-87/22)
= (10/7) (-87/22)
= -870/154
= -435/77
Therefore, the result of the multiplication is -435/77.