To solve this equation, we first need to find a common denominator for all the fractions involved. In this case, the common denominator is 20.
So, the equation becomes:
(32/5) - (20x/4) - (55/20) = 11/12
Simplify the equation:
(32/5) - (5x) - (11/4) = 11/12
Now, we can combine the fractions:
(32/5) - (11/4) = 11/12 + 5x
To eliminate the fractions, we can multiply all terms by the common denominator of 60:
60 (32/5) - 60 (11/4) = 60 (11/12) + 60 5x
This gives us:
192 - 165 = 55 + 300x
27 = 55 + 300x
Subtract 55 from both sides:
-28 = 300x
Divide by 300:
x = -28/300
Simplify the fraction:
x = -7/75
So, the solution to the equation is x = -7/75.
To solve this equation, we first need to find a common denominator for all the fractions involved. In this case, the common denominator is 20.
So, the equation becomes:
(32/5) - (20x/4) - (55/20) = 11/12
Simplify the equation:
(32/5) - (5x) - (11/4) = 11/12
Now, we can combine the fractions:
(32/5) - (11/4) = 11/12 + 5x
To eliminate the fractions, we can multiply all terms by the common denominator of 60:
60 (32/5) - 60 (11/4) = 60 (11/12) + 60 5x
This gives us:
192 - 165 = 55 + 300x
27 = 55 + 300x
Subtract 55 from both sides:
-28 = 300x
Divide by 300:
x = -28/300
Simplify the fraction:
x = -7/75
So, the solution to the equation is x = -7/75.