We first need to find a common denominator for the fractions.
The common denominator for 7, 4, and 14 is 28.
So, we need to rewrite the equation with a common denominator:
5/7y + 1/4y + 3/14y + 1 3/4 = (20/28)y + (7/28)y + (6/28)y + 7/4= (20 + 7 + 6)/28y + 7/4= 33/28y + 7/4
Therefore, the simplified equation is:
5/7y + 1/4y + 3/14y + 1 3/4 = 33/28y + 7/4
We first need to find a common denominator for the fractions.
The common denominator for 7, 4, and 14 is 28.
So, we need to rewrite the equation with a common denominator:
5/7y + 1/4y + 3/14y + 1 3/4 = (20/28)y + (7/28)y + (6/28)y + 7/4
= (20 + 7 + 6)/28y + 7/4
= 33/28y + 7/4
Therefore, the simplified equation is:
5/7y + 1/4y + 3/14y + 1 3/4 = 33/28y + 7/4