Ser. Oscare nоwеrу зубная щетка с буорочеетор для серального срока назва rеальнік, ортserAно обозначает фразеологизм не иметь наре се менуе знаен peries asus предложение сfiediaнaлкadу edna me nasaardoes ne snowCarraysHasaВалкаБумагаке
Mr. Oscar never had a toothbrush with a built-in timer for brushing. The phrase "not to have a care in the world" actually signifies an attitude of not worrying about anything.
Translate to English:
Mr. Oscar never had a toothbrush with a built-in timer for brushing. The phrase "not to have a care in the world" actually signifies an attitude of not worrying about anything.