Я считаю что Идеальный учитель должен облодать всеми своиствами лидера.Должен подавать своими действия пример ученикам.Быть добрым и снисходительным ,но в тоже время твердым и строгим.Он должен как можно больше проводить время со своими учениками к этому относится и не учебное время.Не мало важно вытаскивать своих подопечных на экскурсии и походы. По моему мнению идеальный учитель должен быть именно таким.(переведите на английский)
I believe that the ideal teacher should possess all the qualities of a leader. They should set an example for their students through their actions, be kind and compassionate, yet firm and strict when necessary. They should spend as much time as possible with their students, both in and outside of the classroom. It is also important for them to take their students on excursions and field trips. In my opinion, the ideal teacher should be like this.
I believe that the ideal teacher should possess all the qualities of a leader. They should set an example for their students through their actions, be kind and compassionate, yet firm and strict when necessary. They should spend as much time as possible with their students, both in and outside of the classroom. It is also important for them to take their students on excursions and field trips. In my opinion, the ideal teacher should be like this.