Времена группы Simple, Continuous, Perfect 1. When the teacher … the door of the classroom, the pupils were sitting at their desks. a) will open b) opens c) opened d) was opening 2. My brother … tennis yesterday. a) Didn’t play b) Doesn’t play c) Won’t play d) Were not playing 3. My sister … the piano at four o’clock yesterday. a) didn’t play b) hadn’t play c) wasn’t playing d) will not play 4. When I came to my friend’s place, he … TV. a) watches b) have watched c) was watching d) will watch 5. Where … you live? a) does b) have c) are d) do 6. Jane … fond of sports. a) is b) are c) am d) were 7. My friend … me up at eight o’clock yesterday. a) rings b) rang c) will ring d) was ringing
8. I … my friends to come to my place tomorrow. a) invite b) will invite c) invited d) have invited 9. Nick … that his father hadn’t come home yet. a) thought b) think c) has thought d) thinks 10. Columbus … America 500 years ago. a) discovers b) discovered c) had discovered d) discove

18 Окт 2021 в 19:45
687 +1

1-c 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-d 6-a 7-d 8-d 9-a 10-b

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