Fill in articles where necessary. 1. We walked along ... street as far as ... metro station and took ... bus number 6. 2. Go as far as Liteiny Prospect and change to ... trolley-bus there. 3. ... Winter Palace is in ... Palace Square. 4. ... Bronze Horseman has ... world-wide fame. 5. Where is ... entrance to ... Philharmonic? 6. How do I get to ... Opera and Ballet House? 7. Is there ... bus from here to ... Moscow Railway Station? — Yes, take ... bus number 7. 8. Walk as far as ... corner and cross ... street. Then turn to ... right. 9. Which is ... way to ... airport? — Oh, it's ... very long way. You must first go by ... under­ground and then change to ... bus number 39. But it will take you ... very long time. ... best way for you is to take ... taxi. 10. ... bridge over ... Fontanka is famous for ... Klodt's sculptural groups of ... man taming ... horse.

7 Ноя 2021 в 19:42
47 +1
We walked along the street as far as the metro station and took the bus number 6. Go as far as Liteiny Prospect and change to a trolley-bus there. The Winter Palace is in Palace Square. The Bronze Horseman has worldwide fame. Where is the entrance to the Philharmonic? How do I get to the Opera and Ballet House? Is there a bus from here to the Moscow Railway Station? — Yes, take bus number 7. Walk as far as the corner and cross the street. Then turn to the right. Which is the way to the airport? — Oh, it's a very long way. You must first go by the underground and then change to bus number 39. But it will take you a very long time. The best way for you is to take a taxi. The bridge over the Fontanka is famous for Klodt's sculptural groups of a man taming a horse.
17 Апр в 08:59
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