Вставьте предлоги, где это необходимо 1. One … the watch officer's duties is to keep an eye … the weather conditions. 2. We will have a break dinner … 1 … 2 … the afternoon. 3. I usually prefer cheese… ham. 4. Let us wait … the rain stops. 5. I will be out … some 10 minutes. 6. He is often late and we have to wait… him. 7. Their ship was bound … the port … Amsterdam. 8. Do you call … any ports … your way … Antwerp … Helsinki? 9. Are their any dangers … navigation … this strait? 10. Please come along … the bridge. 11. There is an article … your speciality … this journal. 12. The pilot says we can't reach … the port … darkness. 13. We must leave … your port … 2 p.m. Wednesday. 14. Your choice depends … the circumstances. 15. We can't agree … your terms. 16. I'm afraid I can't agree … you. 17. Do you listen … the news … the morning or … the evening? -- Both. I listen … the news twice … a day.

13 Янв 2022 в 19:40
144 +3
One of the watch officer's duties is to keep an eye on the weather conditions.We will have a break for dinner between 1 and 2 in the afternoon.I usually prefer cheese to ham.Let us wait until the rain stops.I will be out for some 10 minutes.He is often late and we have to wait for him.Their ship was bound for the port of Amsterdam.Do you call at any ports on your way from Antwerp to Helsinki?Are there any dangers to navigation in this strait?Please come along to the bridge.There is an article on your speciality in this journal.The pilot says we can't reach the port before darkness.We must leave your port by 2 p.m. Wednesday.Your choice depends on the circumstances.We can't agree on your terms.I'm afraid I can't agree with you.Do you listen to the news in the morning or in the evening? -- Both. I listen to the news twice a day.
16 Апр в 19:49
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