III.Начните предложения c'there is little' (мало) - для предметов. III.Начните предложения c'there is little' (мало) - для предметов. которые нельзя сосчитать или 'there are few' (мало) - для пред- метов, которые можно сосчитать:
1. ...sugar in my tea. 2. ...bread on the table. 3. ...meat in his soup. 4....soup in the pan. 5. ...salt in the soup. 6. ...apples on the plate. 7....cheese on his bread. 8. ...fish on the plate. 9. ... milk in her coffee.
...eggs in the fridge. 11. ...butter on the bread. 12. ...juice in the glass. 13. ...wine in the bottle. 14. ...candies in the jar. 15. ...flowers in the vase.