THE 1ST TERM TESTI. Put the following in the written form.a) 8, 8й; 4, 40; 16й; 3,13; 5, 50; 70й b) двадцатое марта, одиннадцатое июня 2012, 1800, 1961 15 points II. Choose the correct item.1.Mrs. Grant is our family doctor, … is very competent. a/ he b/she c/ you2. Fred and I have entered the college and now … are group-mates. a/ I b/ they c/we3. Why are students in the classroom? Are … taking a test? a/ you b/ it c/ they4. Why is David so happy? He’s managed to …the exam in biology. a/ fail b/ take c/ pass5. The coach asked … to help … with new equipment. a/ them him b/ they them c/ me it6. Please, call … to bring … files . a/ her she b/ her us c/ we her7. There … potted plants on the window sills. a/ is b/ are c/ be8. In our college there … a library on the first floor. a/ hasn’t b/isn’t c/ aren’t 9. For drawing you need … and … . a/ a needle a thread b/ forceps wool c/ a canvas a brush 10. I … fond of animal communication. What … you interested in? a/ am are b/ am is c/ are is11. … is changing. a/ the planet’s climate b/ the planet’ climate c/ the climate of the planet12. … , … and … songs are completely different. a/ Sting Cobain Sia’s b/ Sting’s Cobain’s Sia’s c/ of Sting Cobain Sia 13. Whose diploma is it? Of course … . a/ Liz b/Liz’ c/Liz’s14. Not to be late for periods I get up … 6 o’clock … the morning. a/ in on b/ at on c/ at in 15. … winter … Christmas everybody decorates a tree. a/ on at b/ in on c/ in at16. We … English here and my friend … grammar rules well. a/ study understand b/ study understands c/ studies understand17. Distant relatives … to our place very often. a/ doesn’t come b/ don’t comes c/ don’t come18. Does your group ... spend much time together?a/ seldom b/ every day c/ very often19. Can you see that … boy with … hair and … eyes? That’s my best friend.a/ tall hazel curly b/ curly hazel tall c/ tall curly hazel 20. When you enter the classroom you can see a large screen … the wall … of the rows of desks.a/ above between b/ on in front c/ on near21. Get … the building and go … the street.a/ into along b/ out of across c/ out through22. Do you want … our chess club?a/ to join b/ joining c/ to joining23. Most students prefer … multimedia tools for their projects.a/ using b/ to use c/ use24. My best friend dislikes … morning exercises.a/ doing b/ to do c/ do25. How many credit tests ... your sister … ?a/ have got b/ has got c/ has not26. We all … our duties about the house.a/ has got b/ has c/ have got27. He needs … fishing rods and … net.a/ an a b/ - a c/ - -28. Our teacher is … intelligent person and … real professional.a/ an - b/ an a c/ a an29. This backpack isn’t … It’s … .a/ mine yours b/ my yours c/ hers30. Rupert and Rebeca are friends, … friendship is great.

13 Июн 2019 в 19:44
234 +1

a/ their

21 Апр в 01:10
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