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Dear colleagues
I would like to briefly talk about the recent presidential elections in Krakojia. Eight candidates took part in the elections held in May this year. The candidate from the New Krakojia Party won the presidential election by a landslide. The head of the state enjoys a huge public support. His victory was the result of the policy of economic growth, political stability and prosperity of the country
The elections were monitored by local and international observers. Many of them recognized that the elections were transparent and fair. Candidates were given free airtime on local TV channel, they were meting freely with their constituents and conducted an active campaign
So local election legislation meets international standards and ensures free elections. In recent years, a lot of efforts has been done to improve the electoral legislation of the country. The activity of the Central Election Commission was highly appreciated by local and international organizations
Krakojia has signed the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocol, which enshrine a number of principles crucial for an effective and meaningful democracy, such as the right to free elections, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly
During the elections, freedom of speech was ensured. Candidates from the opposition were free to criticize the authorities on TV debates. In addition, on the eve of the elections, huge rallies of the opposition took place. So, freedom of assembly was also ensured by the authorities
During the election, observers reportedly recorded a number of shortcomings. But I am convinced that these shortcomings did not affect the general result of the elections. The presidential elections were held in a transparent and democratic environment, as the local voters showed their political will
Many thanks indeed.

3 Окт 2019 в 07:43
132 +1

Dear colleagues,

I would like to briefly discuss the recent presidential elections in Krakojia. Eight candidates participated in the elections, which took place in May of this year. The candidate from the New Krakojia Party emerged as the winner of the presidential election by a significant margin. The head of state currently enjoys strong public support, with his victory being attributed to the policies of economic growth, political stability, and overall prosperity of the country.

The elections were closely monitored by both local and international observers, many of whom acknowledged that the electoral process was transparent and fair. Candidates were provided with equal airtime on local TV channels, had the opportunity to meet freely with constituents, and engaged in active campaigning.

The local election legislation in Krakojia is in line with international standards and ensures the conduct of free and fair elections. Over the years, significant efforts have been made to enhance the country's electoral legislation, with the Central Election Commission receiving praise from both local and international entities.

Krakojia is a signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocol, which uphold crucial principles for a democratic society, including the right to free elections, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly. Throughout the elections, freedom of speech was upheld, allowing opposition candidates to openly criticize the authorities during TV debates. Additionally, opposition rallies were held leading up to the elections, demonstrating the authorities' respect for freedom of assembly.

While some shortcomings were noted by observers during the election process, I am confident that these did not impact the overall outcome of the elections. The presidential elections in Krakojia were conducted in a transparent and democratic manner, with local voters expressing their political will.

Thank you very much.

19 Апр в 18:40
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