Переведите тест на английский язык: Меня зовут Света мне 12 лет,моя семья очень большая:дедушка, бабушка,мама,папа,я,мой брат и кот с собакой,мой папа инженер и владелец магазина мама тоже владелец магазина им по 35 лет, кот и собака только спят), дедушка работает на заводе,а бабушка кассир, ну вот вы узнали что-то про мою семью.
My name is Sveta, I am 12 years old. My family is very big: grandfather, grandmother, mom, dad, me, my brother, and a cat with a dog. My dad is an engineer and owns a store, my mom also owns a store, they are both 35 years old. The cat and dog just sleep. My grandfather works at a factory, and my grandmother is a cashier. So now you know something about my family.
My name is Sveta, I am 12 years old. My family is very big: grandfather, grandmother, mom, dad, me, my brother, and a cat with a dog. My dad is an engineer and owns a store, my mom also owns a store, they are both 35 years old. The cat and dog just sleep. My grandfather works at a factory, and my grandmother is a cashier. So now you know something about my family.