There seems to be an error in the chemical equation provided. To complete the reaction sequence, I will assume that the intended reaction is the combustion of carbon (C) in the presence of excess oxygen (O2) to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and release energy.
Therefore, the complete reaction sequence is as follows:
NaOH + C → HNO3 + CHNO3 + C → H2O + CH2O (900°C) + C → H2O + CF + C → CO2 + C
The final product of the reaction sequence is carbon dioxide (CO2).
There seems to be an error in the chemical equation provided. To complete the reaction sequence, I will assume that the intended reaction is the combustion of carbon (C) in the presence of excess oxygen (O2) to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and release energy.
Therefore, the complete reaction sequence is as follows:
NaOH + C → HNO3 + CHNO3 + C → H2O + CH2O (900°C) + C → H2O + CF + C → CO2 + CThe final product of the reaction sequence is carbon dioxide (CO2).